Maintaining good oral hygiene is important for your overall health. Whether it’s taking care of decaying teeth or getting a cleaning, it’s crucial to keep up with all the things that go into good oral health. One common dental problem that people face is decaying teeth. When this happens, they may require restorative dentistry services. Let’s take a look at some common dental problems and the solutions.
Common Dental Problems
Tooth decay is one common dental problem. When plaque attacks the tooth and results in decay, you will get cavities. If the cavity is left untreated, further complications may result. Dentists can correct this problem by filling the decaying tooth as long as you seek treatment in time.
If you wait too long and tooth decay goes deep, then a root canal is the next course of action. A root canal drills down to the root, removing the nerve and pulp.
After a root canal, a dental crown is important to help strengthen the tooth and ensure its health. You don’t want to take the chance that the tooth gets any bacteria down inside of it or you could lose it.
Sometimes people don’t get a root canal in time, which necessitates a tooth extraction. If the tooth “dies,” then a root canal is no longer effective, and an extraction is necessary. Once you have a tooth extraction, you will need restorative dentistry services to fill the gap. A few reasons you don’t want to leave the gap without filling it are as follows:
- You may not be able to chew your food as well
- It may impact your smile or looks
- It could cause your other teeth to shift towards the gap
- It can impact the health of your mouth
One solution for a missing tooth is dental implants.
What Are Dental Implants?
A dental implant is an artificial tooth that is implanted in your mouth where the other tooth used to be. It is attached to your jawbone. Implants are different from dentures, which are removeable substitutions for teeth. A dental implant has a screw at the end of it that screw into the jawbone. This allows it to become a permanent fixture in your mouth. Implants provide a solution for the lost tooth.
Who is eligible for dental implants? Those people who have a healthy jawbone will be a good candidate. It is also important to have good oral health and tissues, so the surgery is successful.
The procedure takes a couple visits to complete. First, a lab makes an exact replica of your tooth. Next, the dentist will prepare the area around your gum and tooth to get it ready for the implant.
Finally, a dental expert implants the new tooth using precision and skill. Through the healing process, your jawbone wraps tightly around the new tooth creating a bond.
Get Started Today
Begin your journey today for dental services. If you are dealing with a common dental problem that people face, then contact a local dental office in Tennessee. The sooner you deal with your problem, the better the results will be. You can ensure the issue doesn’t get any worse by taking care of it promptly. A helpful dental assistant is available to get you started with an appointment.
You will also benefit from a range of other dental services some of which include:
- Teeth cleanings
- Crowns and bridges
- Cosmetic dentistry options
- Veneers
- Pediatric dentistry options
Don’t worry about your oral health problems another day. Now that you know more about your common dental problem, get started with healing today.